William’s Reading Wave

Hello I am Ford and at our school, we are fortunate enough that we have a Culture of Readers Program. In this program we believe that reading opens new doors to our learning and sparks new excitement into our world. We also believe that we should pick up and read books that we normally wouldn’t read because in Culture of Readers we don’t judge a book by its cover, we look deeper into the book and judge it by what’s inside. 

Before I found Harry Potter, Eragon and the Inheritance Cycle, I didn’t enjoy reading because I couldn’t find the right books for me, but I told my librarian and she helped find good books for me. If reading becomes a struggle, and you can’t find the right books, you need to ask someone for some book suggestions and if you like those books continue reading books in the same genre, series, or by the same author. You might want to follow that author and read some of his or her books, because usually the author will write the same way, with similar plots, problem, and solution.

I believe that when you are reading, you shouldn’t be worrying about what has been, what is now, or what is yet to come. Reading is supposed to comfort and entertain you, or even thrill and excite you, but not to discourage or trouble you. By reading you can also expand your vocabulary and become informed about something that you didn’t know, or want to learn more about. You might not enjoy reading, and that is fine, but you still should continue reading until you find that one book that you love. Then find another one in the same genre, or one by the same author, and you will most likely enjoy this book as well as others in the category you choose. After I find a book that I loved, and I think others should read it, I would add it in to a conversation with one of my friends, or tell my teacher or librarian about it. Then the word about the book can only spread from there. As you can see books educate you, entertain you, comfort you. But they can also open new doors to your thoughts, ideas, and vocabulary, and you should always keep your friends informed about these good books, as they should keep you.